Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Drew Forrester, WNST and Baltimore

Driving into work today Drew Forrester on WNST played a game to give away LAX tickets.

Using the 400 page media guide the caller would pick a page number and if the word Baltimore appeared on the page, they won tickets.

Of course the point of the game was to drive his point home, yet again, that Baltimore needs to be on the jerseys etc, etc, etc.

they got through 8 callers, 3 winners, 5 losers. Of course there is the outrage that Baltimore doesn't appear more in the media guide. But this struck me as the dumbest thing in the world. It would be like me looking through random pages of Moby Dick to find the word "whale."

Now I like Drew, and I support his quest. But seriously Drew that was lame and annoying. Should "Baltimore" be back - yes, of course it should. But the crusade you are becomes less noble and more like shrill whining when you get into petty stuff like "the amount of times the word 'Baltimore' appears in the media guide." It just cheapens the entire argument. Also, for what its worth I picked up my old 2005 Orioles yearbook and chose 10 random pages, the word Baltimore appeared in 6 of them.

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